Supporting Teens Outta the Pandemic

Go easy on the teens. Ask them what they need.


Teens are sort of like toddlers all over again. But now they are fully loaded with size and attitude. I have to remind myself that they are still children and not grown yet no matter how fast they think they want to grow up. I cultivate a readiness for those times when they need to lean in and regress for a silly lingering chat and a hug and for the I hate you and you don't get me hormonal rages and take deep breath and sigh to deal with the consequences of their spotty decision making. The gamut of teen funk and friction. During the pandemic, teens got so much taken away from them and as we all know at that age everything just feels like it is the end of the world. They need bumpers, to be flanked while they are testing the waters especially as we come out of the pandemic where so much is out of control and unsettling for all. Go easy on the teens. Ask them what they need.

When we #Design4Depth we pay attention to the moment and to our hearts.


Getting Out of Students' Way!


Access for All: Using a Universal Design for Learning Approach to Implement a Rock-Solid Instructional Core